Looking for roofing repairs in Goring by Sea?
Apex Roofing Sussex covering roofing repairs in Goring by sea, anything roof related we can repair, call us today on 01903 610009 for a free quote.
Here is just some of the things we cover:
- Pitched Roof Repairs
- Chimney Repairs
- Flat Roof Repairs
- Roof Repairs
- Fibreglass (GRP)
- Gutters, Fascias, Soffits
- Storm Damage
- Emergency Roof Work
We are a family run business and support all aspects of roofing. When we are doing roofing repairs in Goring we know that the sea wind can cause damage to tiles and flat roofs amongst other things.
Material degrade a lot faster because goring is on the sea. This can cause issues like damp and leaking.
We have been roofing a long time now and finding leaks can be hard but our specialist are 99% of the time able to fix the leaks straight away.
Damp and leaks is very common thing we see in Goring and when the job is done correct, they do not come back.
Absolutely any roofing questions, get in touch, whether you just need advise or a free quote, let us know.
We do not outsource any of our work unlike some roofing companies out there. Be sure to get a quote from us, everything is guaranteed and done by professionals.